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ACE shares upcoming event invites, connections with colleagues in our community and news and resources to strengthen your practice. Join us!

Membership Benefits

The benefits ACE offers its members come in three areas: Professional Development, Promoting Your Business and Economic & Community Development opportunities.

Professional Development

Monthly Networking Meetings and More

The Association for Consulting Expertise offers members and non-members an opportunity to network with other professionals, and hear from speakers on current business and community issues that affect our independent businesses.  Our ACE Connect series highlights members. View our meeting schedule for more information and directions.

Social Media Groups

Members are invited to join ACE on ACE’s social media channels.  Joining allows them to find and contact other ACE members.

The goal of the Facebook and LinkedIn groups is to help members:
  • Reach other members of ACE
  • Seek and share referrals to and from ACE members
  • Learn more about other members through their professional profiles
  • Share their own pages, events and links (by following group guidelines)

Member Mentoring

Many of our ACE members have years of experience starting, growing, and running a successful and thriving practice.  Some of them are willing to volunteer their time to advise newer entrepreneurs or service providers who may be stepping into the field or changing their area of focus.  When you join ACE, you can take advantage of the opportunity to meet with a seasoned professional.  Ask our membership committee for assistance with an introduction.

Business Templates

Templates for your use, including proposal, contract, and letters of interest, are available to download from the ACE website.

Promoting Your Business

Member Directory

Members get an extensive individual profile page on the ACE website where they can describe their practice and background.  They can update their ACE member profile information at any time, and include categories in which they wish to be included for possible referrals. Organizations seeking consultants and service providers are able to search the directory for members’ areas of expertise.

Member Collaboration

Make the most of your membership by taking the time to have coffee or a phone call with fellow members. As others get to know you and your capabilities, you may be called in to assist with projects. You can also expand your team of experts so you can recommend other resources to your employer.

Join our affiliate, the Society of Professional Consultants, based in Massachusetts to increase your network and take advantage of other educational opportunities.

Referral Resource Center

From time to time, we receive requests for consultants and service providers through the ACE Referral Resource Center. Those requests are passed on to the membership to respond if their qualifications fit the request. 

Highlighting Members’ Expertise

ACE provides opportunities to showcase and highlight the expertise of our members.  As a member of ACE, you have the opportunity to:

  • Get published in Mainebiz.  We maintain the column "Ask ACE" in Mainebiz, and have member editors to help you get your article publication-ready. Contact our Outreach committee to learn more.
  • Showcase your books, articles, and publications on the ACE website, Facebook and Linked In.  Periodically, we highlight “Authors of ACE” at the monthly meeting.
  • Write articles to be published on ACE’s blog, newsletter, and social media channels.
  • Present at a monthly meeting to share an area of expertise with the membership.
Speakers for Meetings or Events

ACE members who speak professionally can list their speaking topics on the ACE Speakers page on the website.  Organizations who are looking for speakers can search the ACE directory to identify speakers who will fill their needs.  They can also contact ACE directly for recommendations.

More Special Benefits

  • A free print and digital subscription to Mainebiz, Maine's leading business magazine. A $84 value! Just ask for the subscription.
  • ACE is a member of the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce and you are able to register as a Chamber member (under the ACE name) to attend Chamber events.
  • Discounts are available to ACE meetings, seminars, events, and webinars.
  • You have access to the ACE Audio and Video Library and can view past meeting videos and webinars.

Economic & Community Development

You may build your brand awareness and assist your community by 

  • Connecting with ecosystem partners such as MCE, MxG and more.
  • Volunteering to consult pro bono upon request.
  • Mentoring opportunities to help budding entrepreneurs.

The Society of Professional Consultants (SPC) Affiliation

Based in Massachusetts, the SPC is a similar association to ACE offering opportunities and resources for consultants and service providers. 

ACE Members can Affiliate with SPC

If you are an ACE member and wish to add an SPC affiliate membership, this link directs you to the SPC site where you can check SPC benefits and join their association. Annual dues are $75 in addition to your ACE dues.

SPC Members can Affiliate with ACE

Members of SPC may join ACE as Affiliates. SPC Affiliates receive the following ACE benefits:

  • Member discount to ACE events, such as the monthly meetings and webinars.
  • A profile page on the ACE website.
  • Access to the ACE Members Only section with past meeting videos, podcasts, webinars, and templates
  • Access to the ACE Linked In and Facebook groups.
  • Ability to add to our column, Ask ACE, in Mainebiz.

Annual dues for SPC Affiliate Membership are $75 in addition to your ACE member dues. If you are an SPC member, you can click here to complete an application to affiliate with ACE.

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