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ACE Monthly Meeting - April 21, 2017

  • April 21, 2017
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club, 11 Foreside Rd, Falmouth


  • Member Pricing when paid in advance
  • Pay now for the next 6 months and you do not have to remember to register again for 6 months!
  • 12 meetings for the price of 11! Plus the bonus of not having to register again for a year!
  • Maine Career Development Associates members can register at ACE member pre-registration pricing. As a 'walk-in' the price for entry is $28.00.
  • Non-member pricing

Registration is closed

“Big Economics”: How they matter to our clients and our work with them.

Join us in dialogue with Jeffrey Fuhrer, Executive VP and Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Bank of Boston, as he looks at Maine’s future economy and performance of the marketplace in the coming year. Jeff will talk with us about leading economic indicators, opportunities and challenges for our clients as well as giving us a basic introduction to what has sometimes been called the “dismal science” (macro-economics) by exploring provocations such as:
  • What’s really behind the rise and fall of interest rates?
  • Why do banks get (next to) free money and could we get in on that ?
  • Do macro-economists really  have hearts?
  • What is the relationship of “big economics” and “big banking?”
  • How will the policies of the new administration impact our lives and those of our clients

Who Should Attend?: If you or your clients are ever impacted by economic shifts, this program is for you. You will get...

1.    A primer on

  • The role of the “Fed”: What macroeconomic levers get pulled, by whom, when and why and how
  • How the “Fed’s” decisions “ affect the prosperity of our clients - be they small, medium or large organizations in both the for profit and not for profit world
  • The little known regional and community outreach functions of the Federal Reserve Bank
  • What we and our clients can do to anticipate and respond to economic shifts

2.    A chance to discuss leading economic indicators, opportunities and challenges for our clients in the Maine context with one of the people that influences these opportunities and challenges.

Here is a conversation Susan deGrandpre and Bernard Mohr had with this month's speaker Jeffrey C. Fuhrer of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston as he discusses Economic Development and Collaboration.

This is an unparalleled opportunity to build your relationships with your clients by inviting them to join us! 

About Our Speaker:

Jeffrey (Jeff) Fuhrer is executive vice president and senior policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and is responsible for the Bank’s regional and community outreach functions. He has been an associate economist of the Federal Open Market Committee, and regularly attends this key U.S. policy making meeting with the Bank’s president. In June 1992 he joined the Bank’s Research department as an assistant vice president and economist, and from 1995 to 2001 headed its Open Economy Macro/International section. In 2000, Jeff was named senior vice president and monetary policy advisor, in 2001 he became director of Research, and in 2006 he was named executive vice president.

EXTENDED TIMING: This session will run until 10:30 so that we can have a chance to fully interact with Jeff. This will not be just a one-way presentation. We will  engage with someone who significantly influences our State, Regional and National economies.

The Facts...


The ACE regular meeting has networking, a buffet breakfast and a speaker. Guests are welcome.

Registrations (and registration cancellations) are required by April 18th, 2017. If you want to be included on the registration list at the meeting then you need to register by the due date.


You can pay online by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) or mail a check to:
110 Marginal Way #142
Portland ME 04101

If you are mailing a check, please register here so the system can track the registrants for us. Thanks!

Members: the $22 fee only works if you pay in advance. At the door, it is $28.

Cancellation - the meeting will be cancelled if Portland Schools are cancelled.

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