Annual Meeting
Come, hear the 'state of the state' from outgoing president Stephen Jenks and vote to elect our new board.
This association is run by its members so, members, come listen and provide us with your input!
After the Annual Meeting portion of the meeting, we will move on to a working session on:
Making the Most of LinkedIn
Bring your laptops and tablets and let's work together on increasing your presence on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a great tool for making connections that result in business. However, you do have to work it to make that happen.
We will cover optimizing your profile and explore other areas in LinkedIn that help you display your expertise and make good connections.
The format will be primarily lecture for the first part of the meeting. The RoundTable will be hands-on exercises. So even if you can only attend the first portion, you will get solid information on the use of LinkedIn.
In lieu of a RoundTable this month, the usual RoundTable time segment will be devoted to additional hands-on exercises on maximizing your LinkedIn presence, putting into practice more concretely the material covered in the main program. Staying for this additional piece will help you to personally apply the principles and answer questions that invariably pop up upon application.
Presented by:
Judi Jones, principal of InfoHarbor LLC, is an Internet marketer working to put her clients online in front of their prospective clients.
She helps with overall online strategy; social media setup, management and training; website development and optimization.
Learn more at
The Facts...
The ACE regular meeting has networking, a buffet breakfast and a speaker. Guests are welcome.
Registrations are required by June 15, 2015. If you want to be included on the registration list at the meeting then you need to register by the due date.
You can pay online by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover NOT AMERICAN EXPRESS!) or mail a check to:
110 Marginal Way #142
Portland ME 04101
If you are mailing a check, please register here so the system can track the registrants for us. Thanks!
Members: the $22 fee only works if you pay in advance. At the door, it is $28.
Cancellation - the meeting will be cancelled if Portland Schools are cancelled.